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10mm Width Ring
2 items
12mm and UP Width Bangle
3 items
12mm and UP Width Ring
10 items
14K Chain Only
7 items
14K Gold Bracelet
37 items
14K Gold Earring
62 items
14K Gold Pendant
125 items
14K Necklace
48 items
2.5mm Width Ring
11 items
2mm Width Bangle
1 Item
2mm Width Pendant
2mm Width Ring
3mm Width Bangle
5 items
3mm Width Ring
14 items
4mm Width Bangle
12 items
4mm Width Pendant
4mm Width Ring
36 items
5mm Width Ring
6 items
6mm Width Bangle
17 items
6mm Width Pendant
6mm Width Ring
34 items
8mm Width Bangle
4 items
8mm Width Pendant
8mm Width Ring
All Watches
No Items
American Coins
18 items
Baby Rings
Bangle bracelets
54 items
Bangle Bracelets (all round)
Bangle Bracelets (open)
Bar Pendant
28 items
Barrel Tube Pendant
23 items
Best Selling Hawaiian Rings
39 items
Body Piercing
85 items
BRENDA Silver item
9 items
Chain Bracelet
Chain Only
26 items
Coin with 14K Gold Frame
Coin with Sterling Silver Frame
16 items
8 items
13 items
Cutout edge Pinky Ring/2.5mm width/0.5mm thick
Design Your Hawaiian Jewelry - custom order -
Letter/Name/Initial Series
0 Item(s)
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